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So why is any of this important?

As we have investigated and examined traditional and modern genres of communication within the Catholic Student Union, we will reflect on these shifts impact the Catholic identity and presence. After speaking with numerous members of the church, both leaders and attendees, there is an air of acceptance, openness and worship within CSU. The students are proud to be a part of this organization. They do not hold shame in their religion or how they express it. They enjoy speaking about their experiences and are eager to learn more. Many are completely open with their struggles of faith. People have confided in me to say that they were previously atheist or often times claim ideologies that do not match up with the church’s beliefs. The priest is welcoming to those who have sinned and is willing to work with them. He does not condone shunning or turning his back on people. These ideals are infused through every way they communicate and only strengthens the unity within the organization. The members are very dedicated to their worship and their faith in God, without being judgmental of those who do not hold the same viewpoints. The easiest way to gain knowledge of these organization is to immerse oneself in their territory. They are present on FSU’s campus offering tailgates, services, confessionals, picnics, sport teams, and the list goes on. Kimberly Villamizar, a memeber of CSU has marched in parades with them and particpated in volunteer work along with a skit. Through these genres, members are allowed to find themselves in relation to their faith and those around them. Having a support system like an entire congregation of students within the same age range is reassuring and gives them the opportunity to explore themselves knowing they have somewhere to theoretically come home to.

In contrast, the miscommunication which takes place due to their genre choice does not benefit the diversity or inclusitivty of CSU. When examining this organization, every aspect of how they communicate is taken into account along with its effectiveness. Increasing their sensitivity to racial and controversial issues would not only increase the orgainzation's knowledge, but positively impact their public image. They have modernized in their means of interacting, but have their messages truly been tailored to the society of today. In addition, what is modern thinking and can the church translate their value into the youth without watering down the word of the Bible? These are questions that we will begin to ask ourselves as Christian rap group grow in popularity and the Pope becomes a meme (highly-circulated Internet joke). As CSU continues to grow and succeed, the way they communicate will continue to directly affect how they are percieved, who joins, and what they will accomplish.

This is truly a commentary on religion standing the test of time. One piece of the interview process which stuck out to me was when Kimberly admitted it is really difficult to stay Catholic. Over time faith not only changes within organized religion, but in individuals.

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